10th Annual Dick Schwabe Golf Scramble
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DATE: September 9, 2022
TIME: 8:00 AM - Registration/Breakfast
9:30 AM - Brief
10:00 AM - Shotgun Start
Rose's Run Country Club
2636 N. River Road
Stow, OH 44224

DATE: September 10, 2021
TIME: 8:00 AM - Registration/Breakfast
9:30 AM - Brief
10:00 AM - Shotgun Start
Rose's Run Country Club
2636 N. River Road
Stow, OH 44224
Once again we've proved we're the best Alumni Group at Kent State University! Your continued support for our event tremendously helps current and future Kent State University Aviation Students!
We sold out in 6 days! That was something we only dreamed of when we started this event. Thank you for helping us spread the word and bring all of our fellow alumni and friends together every year.
In an attempt to accommodate everyone who wants to play in 2023, we will be trying out a new course, Turkeyfoot Lake Golf Links in Akron, OH. This course has 27 holes and should hopefully allow everyone who wants to join us a spot to play. We're looking forward to expanding our event and trying out a new course!
Your generosity this year allowed us to donate $19,000 to the Richard F. Schwabe Endowment Scholarship, $1,000 to the Kent State Precision Flight Team, and $1,000 to Women in Aviation!
Thank you for your continued support! We'll see you all next year!
Corporate Sponsors

Individual Sponsors
Marge & Jim Sebastian
Capt. Ted Orris
Sharon Wilder
Capt. Al Maurer
Capt. Dan McWhorter
General Mike Van Valkenburg, USAF, Ret.
"pledge" Steve Flaherty
Capt. Ken Zehe
Capt. Greg Mahanna
Capt. Greg Francis
Capt. Paul Kosubinsky
Capt. Mike Zenobi
The Colleran Family
The Palcho Family
The Adelman Family
Dean Barry
Joe Sepesy
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